Primitive and Non-primitive data-types in JavaScript
In JavaScript, variables hold values, and each value possesses a data type that indicates the nature of the stored information. Broadly, JavaScript classifies data types into two categories: Primitive data types and Non-primitive data types. These distinctions are essential for understanding how data is handled and manipulated within the language. Let us discuss it one by one....
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JavaScript BigInt
BigInt is a built-in object in JavaScript that provides a way to represent whole numbers larger than 2^53 – 1. The largest number that JavaScript can reliably represent with the Number primitive is 2^53 – 1, which is represented by the MAX_SAFE_INTEGER constant. BigInts are utilized in scenarios where operations on large numbers are necessary due to their ability to represent integers with arbitrary precision....
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Boolean Data Type
In programming languages, we have various data types to store different types of data. Some of the most used data types are integer, string, float, and boolean. The boolean data type is a type of data that stores only two types of values i.e. True or False. These values are not case-sensitive depending upon programming languages. The name Boolean comes from the branch of mathematics called Boolean algebra, named after George Bool the mathematician....
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Scala Int -(x: Long) method with example
The -(x: Long) method is utilized to return the difference of the specified int value and long value....
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restrict keyword in C
In the C programming language (after the C99 standard), a new keyword is introduced known as restrict....
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What are the C programming concepts used as Data Structures
Data-type in simple terms gives us information about the type of data. Example, integer, character, etc. Data-types in C language are declarations for the variables. Data-types are classified as:...
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Scala Char to(end: Char) method with example
The to(end: Char) method is utilized to return a range from the stated character to the ‘end’, which is given in the arguments list but here “step” is not specified in the arguments list....
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Scala Int <(x: Char) method with example
The <(x: Char) method is utilized to return true if the specified int value is less than the char value, otherwise returns false. Here the char value is the ASCII value of the specified char....
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Scala Byte <(x: Char): Boolean
In Scala, Byte is a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s byte primitive type). The method <(x:Char) method is utilized to return true if this value is less than x, false otherwise....
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Scala Byte !=(x: Float): Boolean
In Scala, Byte is a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s byte primitive type). The method !=(x:Float) method is utilized to return true if the value is not equal to the specified value x, otherwise returns false....
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Abnormal behavior of floating point and double values
Float is a 32 bit IEEE 754 single-precision Floating Point Number 1 bit for the sign, (8 bits for the exponent, and 23* for the value), i.e. float has 7 decimal digits of precision....
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Abstract Data Types
In this article, we will learn about ADT but before understanding what ADT is let us consider different in-built data types that are provided to us. Data types such as int, float, double, long, etc. are considered to be in-built data types and we can perform basic operations with them such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. Now there might be a situation when we need operations for our user-defined data type which have to be defined. These operations can be defined only as and when we require them. So, in order to simplify the process of solving problems, we can create data structures along with their operations, and such data structures that are not in-built are known as Abstract Data Type (ADT)....
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